Blogmas: Things I Would Tell My 16-Year Old Self Today
Today is my dear younger sister’s birthday! She’s finally hit sweet 16 and I thought I’d write something here about some things I would tell my 16 year old self today. Happy birthday little sis <3

You will get through it!
I was stressing so much about school and if I will do well and doubting what I wanted to do with my life and I had really bad anxiety and stress towards school and the overall future. I would just like my 16-year old self to know that she doesn’t have to stress that much, she should enjoy school and just do her best, the universities and colleges will accept her if she does.

You’re NOT FAT!
Get those primary school bullies out of your head, because you are gorgeous and you need to know it. Don’t skip breakfast and drink your water! Just be healthy and tell yourself how much you are worth every morning.

If you’re not into him, tell him!
I don’t know about you, but I had this boy in school who wanted to be my boyfriend so badly but I was just not into him like that. I feel so bad confessing this, but I dragged him along and never made it clear that I’m not interested. I had my eyes set on another guy... Which I will get into now:

He's just not that into you, and that’s okay!
This embarrassing but I was in the exact same position that they previous guy was. I only had eyes for this one boy, who I struggled with to get him to make me his girlfriend already. We were really good friends, and I understand now, that I should’ve rather have valued our friendship more, than constantly seeking his attention. I broke my own heart by doing this and you’re missing out on so many great potential boyfriends!

Listen to Mamsie.
Let’s face it, at 16 you think you know everything and that gets you into so many fights with your mom. But, Agnetia, she’s right! She wants what is best for you because she loves you so much, so go give her a hug and go take a walk with her and just hear how she’s feeling. Believe me, you will miss doing this.

The friendships you have now, may not last forever.
It’s true, but cherish those friendships and laugh more. All the drama and fights are not worth each person’s time and energy.

I hope this will instill some knowledge and help you wherever you may find yourself in life. High school and being 16 is amazing, even though you’re NOT Joe Jonas’ girlfriend! You are you and no one can take that away from you.
Keep smiling and just be yourself
Lots of love